Check out our local promotions on ENERGY STAR Appliances and SAVE* with REBATES and DISCOUNTS on select furnaces, boilers, tankless & condensing water heaters, or low flow showerheads installed for New Mexico homeowners.
Get rebates up to $375. when you install an gas furnace or boiler. A high efficiency furnace or boiler can reduce your energy use, improve comfort and help you save money, (AFUE of 92% of greater.)
ENERGY STAR Water Heating Rebates Available
Ask us how to get get rebates of up to $300. off by installing a select, ENERGY STAR tankless water heater or condensing water heater with an Energy Factor (EF) of .90 or greater.
Request A Free Low Flow Showerhead Package
Get a free package containing a low flow showerhead and faucet aerators. A $38. value, this package could save up to $150. on natural gas and 75,000 gallons of water over the life of the products.